Harta akan habis digunakan tanpa ilmu tetapi ilmu akan berkembang jika di gunakan..

Menulis sepuluh jilid buku mengenai falsafah lebih mudah dari melaksanakan sepotong pesanan...


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Dalam kehidupan harian manusia pasti ditimpa pelbagai masalah yang memerlukan ketabahan dalam menghadapinya. Masalah yang timbul akan mematangkan lagi diri individu berkenaan. Pelbagai masalah sering diungkapkan, bagi pelajar kebanyakan masalah adalah berkaitan dengan wang,pengurusan masa,cinta,kekeluargaan dan hubungan dengan pensyarah.

Daripada pemerhatian dan luahan rakan-rakan, didapati semakin bayak masalah yang ditanggung oleh seseorang menyebabkan berlakunya tekanan atau "Stress". Stress boleh diatasi dengan mudah jika kita mnegetahui pengetahuan mengenainya.

Definisi 'Stress' atau tekanan melibatkan penggunaan semua sistem yang ada dalam badan yang melampaui keupayaan individu berkenaan mendapati sukar menyesuaikan diri dengan keadaan dan memerlukan usaha yang lebih untuk mencapai keseimbangan dalam dirinya dan dengan alam sekitar.

"Sesuatau keadaan yang dinamik yang menyebabkan individu berdepan dengan peluang, kekangan atau desakan terhadap apa yang dihasratkan. Pada masa yang sama wujud ketidakpastian akan hasilnya dan hasil tersebut adalah penting kepada individu tersebut"

Stress adalah normal dan berlaku kepada setiap manusia. namun jika stress tidak dikendalikan dengan baik maka ia boleh membebankan kita.

Antara tanda-tanda stress adalah:
  • Terlalu runsing

  • Tidak boleh santai

  • Rambut keguguran

  • Sukar tidur

  • Enggan kerjasama

  • Tindakan mengambil dadah

  • Emosi tidak stabil

  • Takut menghadapi masalah

  • Sistem imun badan lemah

  • Pernafasan kencang

  • Sakit jantung

  • Sakit kepala
  • Darah tinggi
Untuk menangi stress pelbagai kaedah boleh dilakukan. Stress hanya dapat diatasi oleh diri sendiri melalui semangat yang kental. Antara strategi menanagi stress adalah:
  • Muhasabah diri

  • Kemahiran pengurusan kendiri iaitu perangacang yang sistematik dari segi masa dan kegiatan harian

  • Pengurusan emosi iaitu dalam memahami situasi yang berlaku dan emosi itu dilepaskan dengan cara yang sihat

  • Kemahiran menyelesaikan masalah. jika anda tidak berkemahiran rujuk kepada mereka yang dapat membantu

  • Jaga kesihatan fizikal dengan mengamalkan makanan yang bergizi seimbang, beriadah, kurangkan beban kerja dan sebagainya

  • Aktiviti/hobi. ini boleh dilakukan dengan bercuti, memancing dan menziarahi saudara mara

Untuk menagani stress plebagi kaedah sering diguna pakai, antaranya adalah dari sudut Kerohanian. Kerohanian adalah faktor penting stress. Cara terbaik ialah merapatkan hubungan diri dengan Allah S.W.T iaitu melalui solat, zikir, munajat, meditasi, berguru, dan berbincang dengan rakan.

Jika ada yang ingin melakukan Proses Meditasi berikut adalah beberapa langkah yang disyorkan:

  1. Tutup mata selama 10 hingga 20 minit

  2. Pusatkan perhatian kepada sesuatau rangsangan
  3. Proses meditasi berlaku sebaik sahaja fikiran kita 'mengembara atau pun bergerak'

  4. Adakalanya fikiran kita mengembara jauh dari rangsangan asal

  5. Kemudian kembali ke rangsangan asal di mana penumpuan diberi dengan baik

Jika yang ingin bermunajat pula, berikut adalah beberapa saranan yang boleh di cuba:

  1. Bernafas perlahan-lahan

  2. Letakkan tapak tangan kanan ke arah kiri dada (bahagian jantung)

  3. Tumpukan fikiran untuk pembersihan rohani kebahagian jantung dan hati

  4. Pejamkan mata dan mulailah dengan zikir munajat atau mendengar melalui kaset

Tadi adalah proses penguranag stress secara kerohanian dan ia boleh dicuba dengan seberapa kerap yang anda mahu. Ini pula adalah strategi mengurangkan stress dari Aspek Fizikal yang mana boleh mengurangkan tekanan:

  1. Diet

  2. Urut

  3. Mandi air suam/berendam kolam air panas

  4. Menangis

  5. Bermain

  6. Menjerit

Akhir sekali dapat disimpulkan bahawa stress adalah sesuatu yang normal dan boleh menyebabkan berlakunya perubahan terhadap diri setiap individu dan perkara ini bolh di atasi oleh diri sendiri. Bagi mereka yang tidak berkeyakian untuk menghadapi stress, disarankan agar anda berjumpa dengan mereka yang profesional seperti kaunselor.




The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport is a worldwide organization with an established International pedigree. With over 33,000 members working in over 100 countries, the CILT spans the globe. It is an organisation that offers significant benefits to all its members, as well as a complete suite of educational courses internationally.

The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in the UK - CILT(UK) - is the pre-eminent independent professional body for individuals associated with logistics, supply chains and all transport throughout their careers.

About CILT

The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport is a uniquely established global professional body.

The Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport is the leading professional body associated with logistics and transport. With over 33,000 members working in over 100 countries worldwide, CILT holds unparalleled professional international recognition.

Established in 1919 and receiving its Royal Charter in 1926, the Institute has an exciting history behind it, but is always adapting to stay consistent with current logistics and transport issues. The Institute's Patron is HRH Queen Elizabeth II.

The principal objective of the Institute is “To promote and encourage the art and science of logistics and transport”. The Institute achieves this objective through both its membership and its educational qualifications.

Membership provides a professional identity to those in the logistics and transport sector, as well as international recognition. The Institute’s professional qualifications educate not only those already in the sector, but also those wishing to enter into it.

The Institute is represented worldwide with National Councils, National Independent Sections and Institute Branches. Each territorial organisation is, in its own right, a seperate organisation representing the Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport in their territory. They all share the common cause of achieving the Institute’s primary objective.

Institute Objectives

As the focus for professional excellence and the development of the most modern techniques in logistics and transport, the Institute aims to encourage the adoption of policies that are both efficient and sustainable.

Mission - we aim:

  • to facilitate the development of personal and professional excellence
  • to encourage the development of leading-edge thinking and best practice in logistics, supply-chains and all transport
  • to provide relevant and valued services to members and employers

Values – to provide:

  • professional integrity and excellence
  • quality support and service for members
  • relevance and value for money
  • breadth and quality of membership

In a world of instability and uncertainty, what is needed is a lifelong professional anchor, a source of career continuity that is totally separate from employment.

By joining the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport you will gain that anchor. You will gain access to a unique source of support, knowledge, and networking, to assist you to develop, and to succeed throughout your professional life. All members are actively encouraged to progress through four membership categories through a commitment to continuing professional development and lifelong learning.

Membership of the Institute brings a host of benefits to an individual including:-

• Designatory post-nominals of your grade

• International, instant recognition as a professional in logistics and transport

• International networking opportunities with other professionals in the Institute

• The chance to further your career with both our education programmes and Continuing Professional Development (CPD)



Monday, October 4, 2010

  • main bulk cargoes- grain, cotton, and coal
  • transition from sail to steam
  • Europe countries owned the largest part of the world fleet
  • by the turn of the 20th century UK owning 45% of the world fleet,followed by USA, Germany Norway, France and Japan
  • during the first halfof the 20th century, the use of diesel engines and the replacement of steam engines
  • the massive standard shipbuilding projects introduced during the two world wars
  • during the second half of the 20th century, an incredible increases of the world trade: the globalization of the world economy
  • 60% of the growth of the world sea trade was due to the growth of the carriage of liquid cargo, oil and oil product
  • also the growth of the five main bulk cargoes: ore,coal,grain,bauxite,phospate
  • so, the size of ships carrying liquid and dry cargoes increased
  • the second half of the 20th century was characterised by the gigantic sizes of the ship and their specialisation according to the type of cargoes
  • the last third of the century was marked by the carriage of industrial goods, world transport, and port system
  • flag of convenience were used by all maritime nations but in the immediate post-war years more extensively use b all greek and American shipowners
  • after repetitive freight rates crisis of the 1980s they were extensivel use by all western and eastern maritime nations
  • the 1970s was characterised b the final loss of the predominance of European maritime nations,with the exception of the Greeks and Norwegians
  • the rise of new maritime nations from Asia: South korea, China
  • the world division of labour in world shipping had changed dramatically

soklan yg terbaru...past year

Sunday, October 3, 2010

sekitar soalan final year taun2 sudah untuk tatapan anda...kbanyakan adalah dari fakulti pengurusan ekonomi (FPE)...
ni shj yg ada utk ketika ini...hehehe

undang2 komersial

1.PGN4601 dis 05/06
2.pgn 4601A julai 05/06
3pgn 4601 julai 05/06
4.pgn 4601 dis 06/07
5.pgn 4601 dis 07/08
6.pgn 4601A julai 09/10

peng. pelabuhan dan perkapalan

1.Pgn 4501 julai 05/06 (ini adlh soklan sesama lectre dr fpe mgajar)

pengurusan sumber manusia

1.Pgn 4201 julai 06/07
2.Pgn 4106A julai 06/07
3.Pgn 4201 dis 05/06
4.Pgn 4201 julai 05/06
5.Pgn 4201 nov 02/03
6. Pgn 4201 dis 06/07

soalan dr fakulti lain xdpt detect..xda lam system...cth: sis.kontena,port n shiping mngment