Harta akan habis digunakan tanpa ilmu tetapi ilmu akan berkembang jika di gunakan..

Menulis sepuluh jilid buku mengenai falsafah lebih mudah dari melaksanakan sepotong pesanan...


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Malcom Purcell McLean, the "Father of Containerization" was born on November 14, 1913 and died on May 25, 2001(87 years old).He had idea of rationalizing goods transport by avoiding the constant loading and unloading from one means of transport to another way back at the end of the 1930 at the port of Hoboken.

He would load complete trucks onto ships, in order to transport them a close as possible to their destination.
The development of standardized containers and trailers, move by tractors, made it possible to ship just the trailer with the containers, so saving on space and cost.

He become a shipowner himself and he appropriately named his company Sea-Land Inc.
At 1990, he sold his company to the Maersk Shipping
Company, but his company name lives in the name Maersk Sealand.

The "Ideal X" is mentioned as the first container freighter.
This ship left Newark on 26/04/1956 carrying 58 container, which it transported to Housten. First ship designed to carry only containers is the "Maxton". The first container on German sail was set down by the "Fairland". The first container used by Sealand were 35' ASA Container. Then afew later,
ISO stabdard provided for length of 10', 20', 30', and 40'.

Ideal X
(Source: The geography of transport systems)

Ideal X with the world's first load of containers.
(Source: http://www.worldtrademag.com)


Wednesday, January 12, 2011


LIMA series of exhibition has proven to be an excellent platform for aerospace and maritime manufacturers and related industries to display and promote the latest aerospace technology to senior Government officials, both civil and military and leaders of industries from Malaysia as well as the Asia Pacific region. A unique showcase for both the aerospace and maritime industries in the fast-expanding Asian commercial aviation, airport and defence markets.

Almost at every LIMA, business deals are clinched as well as memoranda of understanding signed. The LIMA '07 exhibition for example generated business totaling RM5 Billion through numbers of contracts, letter of offer and acceptance or intent and memorandum of understanding.

FOR MORE INFORMATION : http://www.lima.com.my/#

-The Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace Exhibition-


Apa itu Kontena?
Kontena atau peti pengangkutan ialah unit simpanan boleh guna semula yang digunakan untuk mengangkut barangan dan bahan mentah antara kawasan atau negara. Kontena dibina mengikut spesifikasi yang telah ditetapkan seperti "ISO Standard", "ASA Standard" dan "ISO Inland Standard" manakala "kontena kiub tinggi" (high cube container) merujuk kepada kontena yang lebih tinggi dari saiz normal.

Secara umumnya, di Malaysia senario panggunaan kontena adalah bersaiz 20 kaki atau 40 kaki panjang.. Kontena bersaiz 20 kaki ini dikenali dengan "Twenty Equivalent Unit"(TEU). Bagi yang panjang 40 kaki ia biasa
juga di sebut sebagai 2 TEU (two TEU). Kadang kala 2TEU juga di sebut sebagai "Forty-foot Equivalent Unit" (FEU).

Struktur binaan kontena biasanya terdiri daripada steal, aluminium dan plywood (inland). Bahan yang digunakan dalam pembinaan kontena ini adalah tahan karat dan mampu menyokoh bentuk struktur kontena. Rangka badan kontena merupakan struktur terpenting dalam menjamin ketahanan sesebuah kontena.

Penggunaan kontena adalah sangat fleksibel dimana ia boleh memuatkan barang untuk dihantar dari satu tempat ke satu tempat yang lain (from point of origin to point of consumption). Pergerakan kargo (general cargo) boleh juga mengunakan conventional ship.

Dalam industri ini, kontena dibahagikan kepada beberapa jenis seperti :
  1. General Purpose Container
  2. Open Side Container
  3. Reefer Container
  4. Ventilated Container
  5. Half Height Container
  6. Platform Container
  7. Tank Container
  8. Flat Rack Container
  9. Bulk Container
  10. Open Top Container
  11. High Cube Container
  12. High Cube Reefer Container

source by : Mr. Kasypi Mokhtar, Lecturer of Container System, UMT

Logistic Management Defined

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Logistic management is that part of the supply chain process that plans,implement and control the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods services and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption in order to meet customer, requirements.

-Council of Logistic Management-

Key definition:
Logistic--->From the point of origin to point of consumption

In logistic management, we also need to know about "Logistic Terms"..its very important in logistic management. there are 8 terms:
  1. Logistic Management
  2. Business Logistic Management
  3. Integrated Logistic Management
  4. Material Management
  5. Physical Distribution Management
  6. Marketing Logistic
  7. Industrial Logistic
  8. Distribution
-source by Datin Norhayati Sharif, lecturer of Logistic and Distributive Management,UMT-